Once upon a time two young chefs met in London in the pastry kitchens of The Connaught Hotel...
Years have passed since they both decided to train as pastry chefs. Hard work and dedication has been the recipe to create Robineau Patisserie
Jane originates from the market town of Barnard Castle, in Teesdale. Fred is from a small village south of Angers in the Loire valley, France.
Barnard Castle
Angers, France
The Morritt Arms
Headlam Hall
Jane started her hotel and catering career at the Morritt Arms Hotel, followed by Headlam Hall and Slaley Hall before moving down to London in the pastry kitchen of the Connaught Hotel.
After 2 years of apprenticeships in France followed by 2 more years of training, Fred moves to London for 2 years at the Café Royal. He then returns to Paris, to the kitchens of the Ministry of Defence.
Competition France
Café Royal, London
Connaught Hotel, London
Jane & Fred Robineau
In 1997 Fred returns to London to join the team in the pastry kitchen of the Connaught Hotel where Jane is already working. The rest is history...
They both spend 2 years at the Connaught where Jane is lucky to meet her majesty the Queen on her visit of the hotels kitchens. Fred wins different competitions including a chocolate carving event.
The Queen arriving at the Connaught Hotel
Michel Bourdin
Wedding Fayre
Wedding Cake
"Good cooking is an accumulation of small details done to perfection!” This was the motto of Head Chef Michel Bourdin at the Connaught.
In 2001 Fred & Jane get married in Barnard Castle. In 2003 they create Robineau Patisserie selling Celebration cakes, carving a name for amazing centre pieces in the north east.
Cutting the Ribbon
Patisserie Counter
Photo of New Kitchen
New Cafe Picture
The patisserie is opened in June 2007 on West Auckland Road, Darlington. Handmade patisseries and chocolates are created in the kitchen directly behind the shop.
In 2014 A new chocolate machine is installed helping the production as the team gets bigger.